Co-operative Education Incentive
Application FormBefore you begin:
The minimum wage eligible for the program is $18 per hour. The subsidy rate is $8 per hour.
The guidelines form part of your funding agreement with the province. Completing this application indicates that you agree to be bound by those guidelines.
Summer 2025 Applications
Please note: Applications that do not meet program requirements below will be returned for correction.
You are applying for Summer term, 2025 – students can work between April 1 and August 31, 2025.
* Co-op students hired using this incentive must work full-time during their work term.
* The program funds work terms of 12-16 weeks – so long as they meet the student’s co-op program requirements.
* The total time worked should be between 390 and 640 hours.
Longer terms are available in some education programs – please confirm with the Co-op Coordinator at the post-secondary institution.
Multiple positions can be submitted on one application, but:
* All positions on the application must have a work location in the same county.
* If you are requesting positions in more than one county, please make one application for each county.
If you are looking for students for both one- and two-term positions:
* Positions that are 16 weeks or shorter (one term) should be on one application.
* Positions that will run for 26-32 weeks (two terms) should be on a second application.
Important! Endorsement
Positions cannot be considered unless they have been seen and accepted (endorsed) by a Nova Scotia Co-operative Education Program. You must communicate with a Co-op program and have your job reviewed before you apply.
A list of Co-op Coordinators is found on the program website to help you select the university / college that can provide you with a Co-op student that best meets your job requirements.